Friday, January 16, 2009

Lena's Photo of the Week

photo marks ~ Jack Buscall Darwin, N.T
'The old lady with the baby on her lap are you when you were a baby'
as written on the back of the photo.

I'm not sure who this is refering to... the only person I recognise is Li Kim Gee... It is a truly amazing photograph... once again, if ANYONE can fill us in on ANY details regarding this photo.. it would be greatly appreciated.

Come on Gee's (& Co.).... you are being very quiet!! x


Jason Gee said...

What a fantastic photo...
check the scary blond white lady, looks like someone is going to get a slap?

Anonymous said...

Hi Jason
I am not related to the Gee family however my great grandfather is/was Jack Buscall from Darwin early days. I am interested in how he is mentioned on your site and if any of your family remember him. He owned Curio Cottage in Darwin.

Unknown said...

The older lady is Young See, mother of Yet Gee. She is my grandmother, as my dad is Charles Gang Ming Fong. That means Yet Gee is my aunt.

Unknown said...

Hi, Jack Buscall is my great grandfather....I’m not sure however I think the three European children may be his children...and perhaps the grey/blonde woman his mother you know any more.
Kind regards